Gs0.9 Collision Bug when Camera Size Change

gameviccigamevicci Member, PRO Posts: 306
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hi guys,
I created 2 buttons (menu and pause), and they work perfectly with default camera size (480x320) whit they rule "when touch is pressed"

If I change camera size to 720x480 (1,5x of default size) the "touch is pressed" rule doesn't work.

I noticed that if I don't move buttons from their original positions (first was 460x300, the other 30x300) it's possible to "push" them touching the area that they previously took up.

So I resolved the problem putting 2 others invisible (but touchable) objects in the old position and 2 visible (and with no rules or behaviors) actors in 680x450 and 60x450.

Obviously It could not be possible in a game with lots of touchable actors


  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    It has always been this way. So I guess it is not a bug but a design flaw. I wish they would fix this too!
  • FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517
    also, collision detection doesnt work on actors after they have been resized
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