Christmas is at risk for GS developers

MogosMogos Member Posts: 63
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Dead GS members

There are a couple of us that have been working on Christmas releases of our games or just trying to finish the games in time so that they are available on the App Store by Christmas.

We have all upgrade to the great new 0.9.0 believing it was the solutions to all our 0.8.9 problems.
We converted or projects and continue the development efforts to keep the Christmas goal.

We are now faced with the huge problem that 0.9.0 has brought even more bugs and it's not fit for any release and that puts at risk the Christmas goals, meaning a hugh amount of money for all of us.

I'm not going to list the bugs that prevent publishing because the are already on the dozens of posts int he forum.

My question to you (and I already open a ticket 3 days ago but got no answer) is:

When will we have 0.9.1 available, even if it's just to cover the critical issues that prevent publishing?

In my opinion, you need to come forward and give us a date.

This is a business relation that demands it.
You convince us that your platform is the best for game development
We invest in it (I'm a paying customer) and put our projects depending on GS
We plan for special events like Christmas and the minimum we can expect from you is that you do your job and also commit to dates and release minor versions that fix the most critical problems.

So, can you give us a date for 0.9.1 ?

Thank you.


  • magic101himagic101hi Member Posts: 713
    Mogos said:
    Dead GS members

    Glad I am DEAD now i dont have to wait for the next release :D

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    I've been building a new game in .9 and I havnt run I to any problems so far. I think most of the problems are coming from .8.9 games.
    I think a lot of problems are coming from people using rules differently than designed, or rules that were broken before are now fixed. That was a big problem when .8 came out
  • ZackGSZackGS Member Posts: 313
    I was half way though "Chuzlies" in 0.8.9 and continued on in 0.9. Had no problems at all, bar the damn editor crashing every few minutes. The editor is far more unstable in 0.9 imho.

    Aside from that, I am happy enough :)

    I have actually finished the game now, just have to do at least a day of testing before shipping it off to apple :)
  • MogosMogos Member Posts: 63
    For me the major problem to publish a game right now is the random crashes in the device when it boots up. Sometimes before the animation, others during the animation and others after the animation, but always before our first scene is shown.

    Apparently in all the cases, a fresh boot of the iPad solves the problem but as we all know, we cannot tell the reviewers or the final user ... "if it crashes at boot, please reboot your device" :)
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    I have 4 games that are ready to publish with GS 0.9, and I must say, I haven't run into any significant bugs at all with any of those games.

    In fact, the games run smoother, and one doesn't crash like it would using GS 0.8.9, so I'm not sure what bugs people are talking about, but perhaps it's like Mulcahy said, people aren't using the rules correctly, or they need a bit of tweaking.
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    There are quite a few people reporting issues with the new splashscreen/animation that i think are valid concerns... it does sit showing a blank white screen for quite a few seconds, before running the animation...which does make it look like the app has crashed... which might be flagged as an issue when submitted for approval.

    Like others have said, the new splashscreen/animation can also lock up/crash the app when the game is first run on some devices. I experienced this when i tested my game on various devices... no problem on 2, but kept crashing on the splashscreen on 3rd device (ipod touch 2nd gen). This was fixed with a reboot of the device... but its a known flag for apps to be rejected if you have to tell the users to reset their machine for the app to work properly.

    So there are definately points for concern, and just because you might not have experienced the issues, it doesnt mean they arent happening for other developers.

    Im pretty sure the splashscreen issues will be fixed quite quickly though, so I think its possibly a bit premature to be saying that its going to put Christmas at risk for GS developers... but it is a concern nonetheless.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    butterbean said:
    I have 4 games that are ready to publish with GS 0.9, and I must say, I haven't run into any significant bugs at all with any of those games.

    In fact, the games run smoother, and one doesn't crash like it would using GS 0.8.9, so I'm not sure what bugs people are talking about, but perhaps it's like Mulcahy said, people aren't using the rules correctly, or they need a bit of tweaking.

    In a similar position here. Planning to submit about four, maybe five apps, and so far *touch wood* no problems at all.

    It's the submission thing I'm worried about to be honest. I have no idea how the splash screen (for legacy pro) works for Resolution Independence - the current version of Gravitrixx has a fubared splash screen for no apparent reason, and there's no-one at GS Towers to ask about it!


    QS :(

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    GS seems to be working ok for me, but my project is still in the early stages.
  • FanStudioUKFanStudioUK Member Posts: 459
    I find the new version a lot better and stable than the older one.

    Still havent found any issues until now and all of my old projects work with 0.9.

  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    Other than the splash screen I've only run into an issue with iAds in the preview when I display the test ad on initial scene on the preview sometimes it carries over to the second and so on even though my iAds actor is not in those other scenes.
  • MogosMogos Member Posts: 63
    The loading animation is for me the biggest worry. I've tested a couple of different iPad, iPhone and iPods and it feels like random. The biggest problem I see with this random crashes is because they are so random, even if it works on our devices, will it work on the apple reviewer or the final user?
  • MogosMogos Member Posts: 63
    Dev's, any news on this? I believe that the poll results show that people want to know.

    I just found another problem, I publish the version 1.0.5 and the .app file is 1.0 and that prevent's me from publishing a new version to the app store.

    I guess that's a server side issue that can be fixed really easy but again, we need to know when to expect those fixes to come out.

    Thank you.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    The poll didn't really have any conflicting options. It should have been something like, do you want this OR this. Your poll was basically, do you want cake and know when it'll be ready, or do you want cake and be surprised.

    A better poll would be
    1. Focus on development and post less in the forum
    2. Less focus on development but more posting in the forum.

    Either way, the best thing the users can be doing is submitting bug reports, posting a thread here with a desciption of the bug and how they can reproduce it. That way other people could try it on their systems, and file a bug report ad wrll with different system specs.
  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    3. Focus on development and post more in the forum.

    Where's that whip? ;-)

    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    Mogos said:

    I just found another problem, I publish the version 1.0.5 and the .app file is 1.0 and that prevent's me from publishing a new version to the app store.

    This isn't a gs issue, its how apple reads version numbers. I think it's because. Your original version number was only 1.0 and not 1.0.0. Try submitting it as 1.1, it should go through fine.
  • MogosMogos Member Posts: 63
    I'm going to try that and I hope it works, at least that will let me publish the new version.

    Byt anyway, it's a bug. in 0.8.9 it worked perfectly, each time I did a build, I added and the output file would show exactly that.
  • gazjmgazjm Member Posts: 578
    Main problem I have had is not being able to add new attributes to instances of actors. Although it is easy to work around!
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