Publishing Trouble

butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I'm having issues publishing with Gamesalad, I get to the last screen that says to publish the game, and agree to the terms, and it's stuck there, and doesn't upload the app.

I've tried this 5 times now, and it still doesn't work.


  • mzxmzx Member Posts: 151
    Do you have an apple developer account? 'Cause I had the same issue :$.
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    butterbean said:
    I've tried this 5 times now, and it still doesn't work.

    Hi! I tried answering you in the other thread... did you quit and restart GameSalad? That worked for me.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Thanks, yeah I have a dev account :) I'll just keep trying! Thanks Photics and MZX :)
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Still having trouble, it always gets stuck at the Uploading project page, I've tried reinstalling GS, rebooting my computer, closing GS and reopening about 5 times total now, and still no luck.

    Anyone else having trouble? Any help from Gamesalad appreciated!
  • dmcdowelldmcdowell Member Posts: 128
    BB, what provisioning profile are you using?
  • NexusGameStudioNexusGameStudio Member Posts: 265
    I'm getting Cocoa error 13 on publishing my iPhone game.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    I'm using one called "Doodle Zombies" That I created for that app, a distribution provisioning profile, that I always create for a new game
  • dmcdowelldmcdowell Member Posts: 128
    Nexus, you have your own special problem that we haven't seen before (the software nerd in me is very excited to find out why this is happening). Please send a CS ticket and your game so we can look at it up close and personal :)

    BB, have you tried it with another provisioning profile? Distribution provisioning profiles seem to be having an issue. If you want to mail me your project, I can try it here with another provisioning profile and see what happens.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    The issue is, I've already set up the app in itunes connect with that provisioning profile, so it won't allow me to upload it with a binary attached to a different provisioning profile.

    I'd rather wait since I have it set up, and see if you can fix the issue with distribution profiles on your end.

    I'll keep trying. :)
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    So I've tried uploading a different app, under a different provisioning profile as distribution (for an update) and still, no luck.

    I think there is something wrong with the distribution profile end of things and hopefully you guys can find a solution to this. I never had trouble with the old method, and it always worked for me, so this is new.
  • NexusGameStudioNexusGameStudio Member Posts: 265
    Unless I'm blind (which might be the case) I couldn't find the area to submit a ticket, if you don't mind I sent an email with the build of my game to CodeMonkey if you want to get it from him since I had his email address.
  • dmcdowelldmcdowell Member Posts: 128
    That sounds great, Nexus :)
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Finally got it to work!

    My issue was I was accustomed to seeing the Candy cane blue bar turn solid, and then move up as the game was uploading, but I was only seeing the candy cane bar moving, and nothing else, so I wasn't letting it upload and do it's thing.

    So lesson: patience is virtue :)

    Thanks Codemonkey for your help!
  • dmcdowelldmcdowell Member Posts: 128
    I'll request a more standard loading bar for the next release, to avoid confusion.
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    No problem. I didn't really do anything. Just cause a distraction while GameSalad did its thing.

    Hey! Look over there.

  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Haha, for some odd reason, as soon as you signed on it uploaded, so you worked your magic!

    Thanks dmcdowell, I think it may cause confusion for those of us who are accustomed to seeing that blue solid bar progress, versus the blue candy cane one.
  • NexusGameStudioNexusGameStudio Member Posts: 265
    Hey CodeMonkey, your email is still codemonkey(at) wasnt sure if it had changed when you guys swapped to GameSalad Inc.
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