Alpha fade-in is not quite right...

gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I have an image fade-in on my first scene; worked just fine in .8.9; now running in .9, fades in up to a point, then seems to jump to 100% at the end, as though it's fading in OK up to say 90%, then jumping straight to 100%.

To be fair, I haven't tried redoing the Rule in .9 yet which might solve the problem, hopefully. Just thought I'd point it out.

Something else worth mentioning for your info: some of my blank actors (hotspots) made in .8.9 don't work either. I tried to double click on them, but nothing happened, including no spinning ball (except a strange type of GS freezing where, if I try to go to another scene, for example, nothing happened either). This was cured by restarting GS and replacing them.

""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain


  • JCFordJCFord Member Posts: 785
    If I remember they had a similar fading bug when 0.88 was released and resolved it in 0.89 - may be the little gremlin is back!
  • GamersRejoiceGamersRejoice Member Posts: 817
    I am having this problem too, it's kind of driving me crazy! I've built my game so far from the ground up in .9.
  • TechnoDaveTechnoDave Member Posts: 103
    Wait, OMG you can fade the alpha!! Wow news to me!! How do you do this?
  • GamersRejoiceGamersRejoice Member Posts: 817
    This tutorial will show you how to do it.

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