123 POP puzzle game now FREE for 24 hours

madpoetmadpoet Member Posts: 59
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
123 POP puzzle game FREE for the next 24 hours!

Free, Gratis, 自由, свободно, libero, frei

App store link:

Youtube trailer




  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    Nice! What software did you use to create the game?
  • madpoetmadpoet Member Posts: 59
    A message to me from the world renown Firemaplegames.
    Your Secret of Grisly Manor game has shown that regardless of what
    game engine you use, it's the soul of the game that counts the most. I
    think your game is brilliant and imaginative. Congrats on your success.
    I also remember seeing your work in progress posts here and thinking
    to myself that your game, with all the art requirements and challenges may
    be labour intensive. But, if it gets completed, would be a hit. And this can
    be very difficult.

    Back to your question though. As I mentioned in another post, I first tried
    making it in GS and found serious lag issues when many objects were colliding
    on screen. I wanted the game to run smoothly on a 2G iPod and I couldn't
    get over that obstacle. Tried changing actor sizes, number of actors...no luck.
    Another project of mine Attack Sub, also fell victim to this same issue.

    So I dived head first into Unity3D. I still love GS and it's community though. I'm
    anxiously awaiting the update.
  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    World renowned? haha. Well, thank you for the kind words!

    Congrats on the game!
    I will try to get a review up for you in a little bit.
  • madpoetmadpoet Member Posts: 59
    I will do it as well for yours.
    BTW, have you thought of a sequel game in 3D.

    World renowned, yes. I saw the buzz on TA. Lots of discussion. I've
    also been tracking your rank on oneposition app. Last I heard
    you've sold 40k but I bet you've doubled since then.
    Good work!
  • madpoetmadpoet Member Posts: 59
    The demo version with minor limitation is out now.
    FREE to try. Thanks all!

    123 POP FREE
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