What sales do you people make on your apps?

Just wondering, what kind of money do you earn from your apps? I have seen a lot of apps that are making a great deal of money, and "with over 20,000 downloads!" These apps I see cost one dollar each, and with 70% of sales, does this mean people are making over 14,000 dollars?
Even so, I am extremely anxious to see if my game is up to par with the rest of you guys. I don't know if it is worth $200+ to get it going on the store! Plus, I could really use some money to pay off university fees!
Even so, I am extremely anxious to see if my game is up to par with the rest of you guys. I don't know if it is worth $200+ to get it going on the store! Plus, I could really use some money to pay off university fees!
Good Luck
My first app was published mid August and for that month I made only $70, the next month, September, I made $110.
October things went much better and I made $615 - this month looks as though it will be similar or better; at the end of the 14th I'd made $390 odd - so if that continues I'll be looking at around $780 or so
Oh, I've made zilch, but I haven't finished a game yet. Started at least 4.... but for the record, I've been working on a fairly major project over the last week or so which I'm definitely sticking with, an adventure game for the iPad that'll take upwards of six months to complete. I'll let you know after then how much it'll make...if anything! :-)
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps