Lost All Scenes

LonestarLonestar Member Posts: 28
edited November -1 in Tech Support
My game is completely gone all i get is a blank project editor.
I checked inside the contents of the file and say that the scenes are missing. I copy and pasted them back and still nothing. When i try to save the file it reverts back, and the deletes scenes i put back in are gone.

Is there another way or do i have to start again?


  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    Where are you copying them from?
    What is the difference between the copy location to the paste location?
  • LonestarLonestar Member Posts: 28
    Well im copying them from the scenes folder.
    As far as i can tell the copy and past locations are the same

    In the original it has 1.xml-13.xml...
    but now when i rebuild the scenes it just displays only 1.xml - 4.xml

    I noted to that the info.xml , and object.xml file is different too.
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    Open the broken project and create 13 scenes as place holders.
    Then copy/overwrite those with the originals.
  • LonestarLonestar Member Posts: 28
    hahaha i would love to do that but im not even able to create scenes. That part of the gui is blank too
  • LonestarLonestar Member Posts: 28
    ooh i got an idea
    one sec
  • LonestarLonestar Member Posts: 28
    Now everything is blank again.
    It also does not show that any new scenes where created too
  • LonestarLonestar Member Posts: 28
    oh and there are now no scenes in the scenes folder
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    emailed you. I'll take a look at the projects to try to fix them for you.
  • LonestarLonestar Member Posts: 28
    Thanks you so much

    i only have the file that was not saved before it all went to hell. So it does not work. when i save it and reopen the file again this time it does not work and there are scenes missing. ill send the file anyway..
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    Scene 5 is totally gone. Sent you the fix.
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