Game is not showing images in GS Viewer.

MotoMoto Member Posts: 33
edited November -1 in Tech Support
My game is not showing images in the GS Viewer. However, it is working fine within the gamesalad preview. Not all scenes are missing images just the first two.

Here is what I have done to fix the problem.
- Imported all missing images
- Reinstalled GS Viewer to my iPhone
- Reinstalled Gamesalad to my Mac
- Copied scenes and deleted originals (Fixed thumbnail image on the scene, but did not fix GS viewer)

Any suggestions to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.



  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352
    Is this on the iphone 4?

    Right click your GS project file and click to show package contents. Then look in the images folder with a thumbnail view in finder for any that are just white (they may have @2x in the file name). Any corrupt images will show up white. Also remove any of the @2x files as GS will remake them from your original files, they shouldn't be there at this point.

    I had this problem with a few of my games after a GS crash. I did have a thread about it somewhere that explains in more detail.
  • MotoMoto Member Posts: 33
    StusApps - You are awesome! Yes this is on the iPhone 4. Showing the package contents and deleting all of the @2x files fixed the problem.

    Thanks for the quick response I would have never figured out how to fix this on my own.
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