Anyone had experience with GLBasic?
ANOTHER iPhone dev platform.
MUCH simpler than Corona and can do 3D! Looks cool!
MUCH simpler than Corona and can do 3D! Looks cool!
currently all apps crash on exit on iOS 4. Also the whole project is only run by one guy, think gendai speed major updates plus a lot more time. Forums are filled with various bug issues.
But I do think it looks great. Really cool if you know basic and a huge selection of platforms. Seeing all the code takes me back. Needs to get their $million$ and hire a few more staff.
Corona keeps tempting me. I just like the way the whole company seem to operate, it's all out in the open as far as updates and roadmap and everything goes.
I just downloaded Chipmunk BASIC. Pretty cool. No iPhone, though. LOL.
And GLBasic is certainly ready for publishing applications - there are plenty by both Gernot himself and others on the AppStore
NO company ever tells you how hard xcode is once you are done with your game. They just sell their part of the process. XCODE IS A BITCH. When i made my first non GS app i spent weeks once i was finished with the actual game. Once I had it working on my device i thought
..... "cool, now just make distribution build and submit it" .... NOT doh ><
We take that part for granted with GS bigtime.
Even if a few people have completed apps with another product it doesn't mean much to me.
People have completed apps with itorque but i'd guess more than half the people that purchased it can't even get a blank app built and on a device let alone the app store.
I probably sound like a broken record but nothing will beat GS for being easy and working and nothing will be Unity (Zombieville, OMG pirates, Battle Bears, ravensword etc) for being full featured and actually working plus build in C or Java or a combination and learn to script at the same time.
There are so many options shooting for easy or full featured. Why not just use one of the best and avoid the headache. Even when you are done the xcode part that NOONE ever mentions is insane. I probably spent weeks figuring out how to get my app submitted once it was complete.
When i say working i mean being able to built a final product without wanting to shoot yourself. lol