Strange output from Game.Attributes, troubleshooters invited to help
I am making a simple platform jumper. I am trying to make platforms that spawn randomly within bounds. I am getting very strange activity from the global variables tho. See the screenshots to check my code structure. I don't get why GS is resetting the variable to 0 after 5 copies are spawned. Also it spawns 6 copies and stops. Sorry this question is hard to ask clearly, ask for clarification and I'll do my best to expound.
Strange output from Game.Attributes, troubleshooters invited to help
I see you have an OTHERWISE section in that rule, can you also share that part of the code?
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There is nothing in the "otherwise." It's acting like there is tho, good question thanks.
Sort of figured it out, I had another actor that I didn't change the expression for, which was screwing up my global variable. Sorry I'll try to QA myself better before posting next time.