nothing new working on current project

so i was making a new rule for my actor to change position y when key right is pressed, then i noticed nothing will work, i created a new actor with a simple rule to be destroyed when is touched and nothing, so i opened a different project file , created a new actor with same rule to be destroyed and it works fine,

went back to my current project and still nothing i put works.

what can i do?


  • guillefaceguilleface Member Posts: 1,014

    also it looks only with new actors my rules dont work, put a rule when touch to get destroyed to a actor i already have and it works, but with new actors rules are not working.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378

    Are you using online creator or Mac creator? If online, it's a question for @adent42. If Mac, then there's a few things you can do to troubleshoot. The most common cause of things just no longer working, in my experience, is an actor somewhere on the scene being extra naughty and doing something like spawning itself, or trying to run an expression that is invalid in a particularly problematic way.

    First thing I'd try is this:

    • If you make a new scene and put just your test actor with the touch to destroy rule, does nothing happen still?

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