Binary RC 2023-04-21: Ad Network Updates, Tweet Sheet for playSound and playVideoURL, Keyboard Inpu

adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199
edited April 2023 in Release Notes


To get these benefits use "Build RC". It doesn't matter which version of GameSalad Creator you publish with as long as it's a version 1.25.x.

For people used to the old RC thread, I will be repeating features that are not present in the regular "Generate" build, so you know in total what you are getting with this RC. New fixes since the last RC will be in bold.



  • Compile SDK 31, MinSDK 21, TargetSDK 31
  • Ad Network Updates:
    • IronSrc 7.2.6 (and matching updates for mediated networks)
      • Liftoff, Superawesome added.
      • Improved init to avoid sending data before GDRP consent
    • Admob 21.3.0
    • Chartboost 9.1.1
    • Does not apply to not Kindle or FireTV
  • Pollfish 6.2.2
  • GameAnalytics 6.3.4
  • Google Play Rate App
  • Allow enable multiple Full Screen Ad providers to allow for Pollfish + another provider.



  • Min/Target SDK 12.2, Build SDK iOS16.4 (Upgrade to minimum iOS 12.2 removes need for SwiftSupport directories).
  • IronSrc 7.3.0 (and matching updates for mediated networks)
  • Admob 10.3.0
  • Chartboost 9.2.0
  • GameAnalytics 4.7.2
  • Pollfish 6.4.1


Check here for stuff from the last RC.

The latest Admob now requires an Admob App ID. This also means builds with IronSource or just Chartboost will need the ID in order to work. We suggest pasting the Google "Test" ID if you are not actually using Admob.

More Tweet Sheet Actions!

As before we have implemented new behaviors via TweetSheet highjacking, to avoid forcing users to upgrade Creator versions with new behaviors (as well as save us some development time).

Play Video from URL

"gs:playVideoURL" in the Message

url to the video (mp4) in the Image

For iOS, make sure to include your source video as a Domain Exception during publishing. Since we're using the native video view, I guess anything the platform supports will work, but mp4 is a pretty safe bet cross platform.

Video will play back with no UI and uninterrupted (we'll build in things like full control or just skip and mute later. Figured a default case of unskippable videos works for thinks like cut scenes and training videos for now.

Play Sound

In Message put one of:

gs:playSound - plays sound, stops if behavior is out of scope

gs:playSoundLoop - plays sound on loop, stops if behavior is out of scope

gs:playSoundComplete - plays sound til end, even if behavior goes out of scope

gs:playMusic - starts playing music until track end

gs:playMusicLoop - starts playing music and loops on track end.

In Image put the name of the sound to play with either a literal string or an expression

This will allow you to use expressions to play different audio, avoiding having to use a lot of rules for different audio. By out of scope, I mostly mean "when rule is no longer valid. So for the none *Complete actions, if gs:playSound is in a rule, it wills top playing if the rule condition is no longer true. If Complete is used, then it will finish playing even after the rule condition is no longer true.

Keyboard Capture

I the Keyboard Input behavior if you set the prompt to "gs:captureKeyboard", then the system will show the software keyboard on mobile or start recording input from the physical keyboard on desktop. The Keyboard Input Action will act like a Keyboard Input Behavior. When the user hits Enter, the behavior exists. When the user types, it updates the attribute references in the Change Attribute field of the behavior.


  • adam36021adam36021 Member, PRO Posts: 45

    Hey -- do these new tweet hijacking behaviours work in Creator2 / web creator?

    Haven't had time to poke around much there yet.

    Nice work :)

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    Not yet, but we hope to get them in soon.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    @adam36021 okay... Creator 2, Arcade, and HTML5 publishing have been updated!

  • adam36021adam36021 Member, PRO Posts: 45


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