Android Binary RC 2022-04-13: IronSource Upgrade, Pollfish, Google Play Rate App,



  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    gs:rateApp is something we haven't fully tested, but we know we were close because of the debug logs. The problem was, it can only bet tested if the app is on the store (since it pulls up the Play Store apps rating widget).

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    As for the other thing, I'm trying to finish up the iOS RC to allow people to release again. For those waiting on that we're running into a crash bug with pollfish. I have two more things to try and if that doesn't work, we'll release with the warning not to enable it.

  • zarzirzarzir Member Posts: 138

    Ok thank you @adent42 , hope you can get to those issues after the ios rc.

    The ads getting played over and over is really a downer.

  • adamvyadamvy Member Posts: 2

    I appreciate the clear instructions for how to work-around this issue.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378

    What is the current highest and lowest SDK supported for Android?

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    Current compile parameters on the RC are

    SDK Version 31

    minSDK 17

    targetSDK 30

    The main potential issue is we don't have a 17 device, so there MAY be occasional issues if the issues aren't caught by Google's compile time checks. But we haven't heard of any issues lately, so I think 17 should be fine and any problems tend to be device specific.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378
    This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.

    Thanks. The publisher we're talking to is requiring 32 but I'm asking how firm a requirement that is.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    So it's actually relatively easy for us to push that number up now if you (as the users), help with testing. The main time sink for SDK upgrades now that we've sorted out our build system is testing. So if it becomes imperative, let us know and we'll figure something out.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378
    This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.

    Great, thanks! I'm waiting on reply from them but it's a game without ads or any of the other complications, so hopefully it should be pretty easily tested.

  • HypnorabbitHypnorabbit SingaporeMember Posts: 272

    Random necro of the century:

    Does gs:rateApp work for iOS and Android now? And you just put the "gs:rateApp" component in the message section of the Tweet Sheet right?


  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    @Hypnorabbit so for iOS I'm about 90% sure it works. The problem is, we can't fully test it in a unreleased app. But it seems to complain about the right thing in the error msg, so I think it works.

  • zarzirzarzir Member Posts: 138

    I can confirm that it works on IOS, I couldn't get it to work on Android

  • HypnorabbitHypnorabbit SingaporeMember Posts: 272

    Thanks legends - did you have a workaround for Android @zarzir or what was the problem?

  • zarzirzarzir Member Posts: 138

    I don't have a workaround, It just didn't work, nothing happened when calling the rule (only test on my pixel 4)

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    So I took a look at the code and found a slight problem with it, gonna test it tonight and deploy if it works.

  • HypnorabbitHypnorabbit SingaporeMember Posts: 272

    That sounds great - if you can confirm it works I'll use it in my Android app.

  • HypnorabbitHypnorabbit SingaporeMember Posts: 272

    Does Google Play rating work on Android? @adent42

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    Not yet, we're working on another project so I haven't been able to test the updated code yet. But go ahead and put the call for rating into your app for now and we should have something soon.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    FYI, updated RC with fixed ratings call will take a bit longer. I needed to update the build scripts and it turns out the new build system requires Java 11+, so I'll need to do some extra work installing two separate Javas to support both the old and new build systems for a while.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    So I tried patching in the code for android In-App Rating without the full upgrade and it compiles.

    I haven't tested it yet, but feel free to give it a shot!

    Instead of spending time testing it, we're gonna work on the upgrade to the build system to target API 31 with build tool 33 (which will allow us to target API 33 easier in the future). In addition we'll be doing the usual SDK upgrades, etc.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378
    edited January 2023

    Afraid the gs:rateApp option doesn't seem to have worked in my last update of Sand. Possible I implemented it wrong, though! Does the gs:RrateApp need to be in the expression editor? I put it directly into the Message box. iOS.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    directly is good. if it’s an expression, it would need to be in quotes. from what i can tell, it should work on iOS, but not Android

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    The upcoming RC should fix it

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378
    This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.

    Which does this refer to? Thanks!

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378
    This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.

    I meant iOS or Android or both :D Still not certain if I just implemented it wrong or if it didn't work.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199
    edited January 2023

    So from what I can tell, iOS should be working fine, Android doesn't quite work. If you're seeing something different, share your project and I can take a look. The RC is addressing an issue with the Android / Google Play version version.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378
    This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.

    I pushed an update with the gs:Rate added, but tapping the button did nothing (while live on store). So in the next update I replaced it with a basic link again. Not sure what to share to be helpful here. I'll PM you the publishing link, though.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    Figured out the issue for iOS we think. You'll need sign your app with iOS App Signer to address this. Download the app and open Info.plist. Make sure the key 'GSAppleStoreId' is present and set as blank. That should fix the issue. New RC should ignore that key and all will be good.

  • AHBGamesAHBGames Member, PRO Posts: 121
    edited March 2023

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