Competition! Best GameSalad tips!



  • fmakawafmakawa Member Posts: 565

    @CasualEvolution said:
    You can open 2 projects in 2 instances of GS and copy rules from one actor from project 1 and paste in other actor of project 2 :)

    Only on Mac, on Windows you have use the same instance, copy the rules, change the file that is open and then paste.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378

    Entries are now closed! Winners thread coming shortly!

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390
    edited May 2017

    @Armelline Thanks for instigating this. Not able to contribute, but I learnt heaps.

    Maybe this thread could just keep going without any prizes? We'd all be better off for it! :grin:

  • JapsterJapster Member Posts: 672

    @CasualEvolution said:
    You can open 2 projects in 2 instances of GS and copy rules from one actor from project 1 and paste in other actor of project 2 :)

    @CasualEvolution - Excellent point! - That's saved my a$$ a few times with broken projects, copying that hard-fought logic back into an earlier good build.... :smile:

  • chaosmasterrochaosmasterro Member, PRO Posts: 51
    edited May 2017

    Importing large tables and using the copy table rule is the devil. It momentarily freezes your game until the import/copy is done.

  • ValanValan Member, BASIC Posts: 410
    edited June 2017

    @Armelline Great idea

    Instance to Actor/Instance direct communication.

    When an actor is in the scene and unlocked it has a Current Scene menu options in the Attributes browser.
    Within Current Scene>Layers there are all the Actors/Instances within the Scene and their Attributes can be manipulated or "looked at" directly from another in-scene actor.

    I've used it to 'pass' text to a display text actor when calendar event instances are pressed.
    Also to change instance's alpha to various levels from several events - pinball table lights.

    The receiving actor/instance is passive whilst all this activity happens to them. Quite abusive I guess!

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692

    Bit late but my top GS tip would be to always make notes, when I was making bigger games I found notes extremely useful as you tend to forget what some of the rules do :)

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