Selling consumables - Any Experience?
Any of you having a solid revenue from selling consumables within your apps?
It never worked for me but it was also in my early games which in general didn't perform that well.
Right now I sell mainly non-consumable items which give gameplay bonuses as well as being cool objects in it itself.
I wonder if some one can report that he/she is able to get sales on consumables.
As I am about to decide the monetisation model for my new game an Energy system sounds write but I am unsure.
With success, no unfortunately.
A few years back I released a very simple game with an ingame store to unlock different characters with coins. If the player didn't have enough coins, they could buy more through IAP. I was surprised at the percentage of people who bought more coins in relation to how many downloads I got. It was quite high.
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ok that gives me some believe @Braydon_SFX
My Apps
@BigDave In early 2012 I released a free "fan" app about a popular artist. It included a lengthy biography that I researched and wrote, license free images, hand drawn caricatures, full discography, RSS feed to upcoming performance dates, Facebook link etc.
It also included a section with links to individual songs, albums, videos and books all available in iTunes or Amazon.
I used my Apple Affiliate links in the iOS version and Amazon Affiliate links in the Android version. Apple refused to publish it on the grounds that there were already too many "fan" apps and that I might be profiting from someone's fame! (As if they didn't do that.)
However, it launched on Google and steadily racked up downloads. I don't recall exactly how many now, but in the low 1000s until I pulled it.
I never made a sale on any of the merchandise I promoted inside the app. Maybe the fans that downloaded it already had their preferred source to purchase from or already had purchased?
When Google began summarily terminating accounts of developers that they even thought might be infringing on someone else's copyright or notoriety I pulled the app so as not to jeopardise my account.