Interstitial Ads: Where, When and how often?
Hi all,
so far I have always used iAd banner ads, so I wanted to ask:
Which network do you use for interstitial Ads (Ad Mob, Chartboost, Playhaven Ads, Rev Mob)?
Any experience regarding performance, loading speed, click through rate, money per click?
When would you show the interstitial Ad?
-- Menu -> Game (e.g. start a new level)
-- Game -> Menu (e.g. level finished, game over)
-- Game -> Game (e.g. level 1 to level 2)Would you show interstitial Ads everytime the screen changes or only every second, third, ... time? (e.g. show interstitial ad every 5 death)
I have uploaded an app to the Apple Appstore with interstitial Ad Mob ads. They are show everytime the user retries a level. I will refresh the post when apple released the app.
Where to place them is up to you. I removed start up adverts from all my games as I didnt want players to be greeted with an advert the second they start the game.
Also a HUGE 'no no' is placing an advert on a close/exit button.
Like Balls? Then click here! We've 100 coming soon
the services themselves suggest to put them at transition points within your game such as
When the activity of the play comes to an end and its not interrupting a player intention(not as hard)
I got clickers with no such events so i trigger them after upgrading something if the timer is expired
first 2.5 minutes expired -
once seen every
1.2 minute
also sometimes 30 second movie ads which would decrease the play session possible in-between if it would not be bound to the upgrade trigger
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