They Interviewed me, about the monetization, indie tips, gamesalad, voice overs and Orcs
They Interviewed me, about the monetization, indie tips, gamesalad, voice overs and Orcs
Its written in dutch tough.
Nice! Too bad it´s not in english.
Mental Donkey Games
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I really like your orc game @BigDave. Especially the voices. Nice work!
Yeah the voices where by Elijah.
he give you free voice overs (male/female)
as long you sent the script before his twitch show starts
and its not too much.
1-2 pages max.
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Good interview, thanks for sharing. I read it using Google Translate so it was a big broken up but I got the idea.
I'm glad you're successful with your games, you've been cranking them out like crazy. It's nice to see it paying off for you! ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
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Well done my friend
thanks guys.
they also put out an english version now. ( i also read it with google translate before)
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Dude congrats man. This is your year! || appdore twitter || appdore facebook
Amazing article man. You are doing exactly what I am trying to do. Thanks for sharing!
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
Check out our other GameSalad exclusives.
@BigDave Very insightful interview! Lots of good tips on the app process too and a good way to monetize them. The idea of "sticky game" is also quite a good method for ARPU.
And your analysis about the big companies and their handheld systems sounds about right.
They are still running business in such an old fashion, instead of seeing the modern state of mobile gaming for what it is. Hopefully they will adapt for the sake of the fans or at least as you say, focus on their core and not stick to outdated business ways.
Congrats Dave. How did you get on with waypedia? Did you see an uplift in downloads?
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thank you for this huge boost of inspiration! always happy to see people doing what they love for a living
@BigDave Just out of curiosity since you create a lot of games very quickly, at what point do you say "ok this is finished and ready for release on the app store"? I ask because with my current game, I constantly find myself refreshing the graphics or tweaking the audio to make it sound as best as possible which I think ended up being extremely worth the time/effort, but obviously at a certain point it becomes excessive. I'm just having trouble figuring out what that point is since I want a strong first impression.
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@jigglybean i never did it, i managed to create and efficient Facebook setup where i get none incentivised users for the same price but obviously not in a big volume per day but still +100-200 downloads more with this setup are possible. right now its off, since i optimise the user traffic flow between my top 3 apps so i don't lose loyal users somewhere down the road.
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@supafly129 i set time goals of 3 to maximal 5 days. Delaying not accepted.
I also detached myself from my work a bit during the rapid speed productions. They just have to be bug free and round, the graphics efficient and not to distracting from the core.
Rapid game projects are a good way to learn to let go.
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Well done, @BigDave !!! Wishing you continued success.
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thanks @BigDave for sharing this interview. i think the key points are as follows:
1) make a lot of games and ship
2) make more games and ship
3) see what works and build off of that
4) make more games and ship
5) be resourceful
6) make more games and ship
7) make more games and ship
8) link to your own games, create your own network
9) keep going
Great interview!
@jorkos jeah atleast it was / is my path
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